Java Eğitimi, dünyadaki en yaygın kullanılan programlama platformlarından biri olan Java ve aynı zamanda bu platforma ait programlama dilinin öğretildiği bir eğitim paketidir. Günümüzde Java, web tabanlı ticari uygulamalardan uzay teknolojilerine kadar her alanda kullanılmaktadır. Java Eğitimi ile bu programlama diline güzel bir başlangıç yapabilirsiniz.
Programın amacı, öğrenciye Java’nın tüm inceliklerini öğretip, uygulamaya yönelik bir eğitim vermektir. Program kapsamında tüm Java teknolojileri ele alınacak ve tam donanımlı Java yazılımcıları yetiştirilecektir. Java Eğitimi dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. Java Eğitimi, diğer programlama dillerine bakış açınızda fayda sağlayacaktır.
Java Eğitimi, firmaya özel veya kişiye özel dersler olarak ta alınabilir. eğitim ve kurs, javayı hızlaca öğrenerek hakim olmayı sağlayacaktır. Java Eğitimi diğer programlama dillerini anlamanız da da faydası olacaktır.Creating Custom Collections in JavaIntroduction to Java I/O Package (
Introduction to SCJP and Java Language Basics
- Introduction to SCJP Certification
- Introduction to Different Java Editions
- Standard Edition (J2SE), Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Micro Edition (J2ME)
- Introduction to Java Language
- What is Java Application Programming Interface (API)
- Different Java APIs
- Features of Java Language
- How Java Program Compiles
- How Java Program Runs
- What is bytecode?
- Introduction to Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
- Introduction to Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Writing First Java Program
- Explanation of First Java Program
- Different type of Java Comments
- Java Primitive Data Types
- Variables
- Identifiers
- Expressions
- Keywords
- Operators
Unary Operators
- Increment and Decrement operators ( ++ and — )
- Bitwise Inversion operators ( ~ )
- Boolean complement operator ( ! )
- Binary Operators
- Arithmetic operators ( +, -, /, *, % )
- Comparison operators (, >=, ==, != )
- Bitwise operators (AND – &, OR – | , XOR – ^ )
- Short Circuit Logical operators ( && , || )
- Ternary operator ( ? : )
- Implicit Type Casting
- Explicit Type Casting using cast operator
- Java String Class
- Creating String class object
- Using String class functions
- Class Exercises for Java Operators and String class
Control structures, Repetition structures and Arrays
- Sequential Program flow
- Controlling Program flow with conditional blocks
- if statement
- if-else statement
- Nested if-else statements
- Switch Case statement
- break statement
- default statement
- Repetition structures in Java
- for loop
- while loop
- do-while loop
- Nested loops
- break statement
- continue statement
- Introduction to Arrays in Java
- Types of Arrays in Java
- Single Dimension Arrays
- Multi Dimension Arrays
- Array Declaration
- Array Allocation
- Combining Array Declaration and Allocation
- Array Initialization
- Manual Initialization
- Initialization with Loops
- Combining Array Declaration, Allocation and Initialization
- Accessing Arrays Elements
- Array of Objects
- Finding Array length at runtime
- Using multi dimension arrays in java
- Using Command line arguments
- Class Exercises for For Loop, Nested Loop and Arrays
Object Oriented Programming in Java
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Benefits of Object Oriented Programming
- What is Class
- What is Object
- Relation between class and object
- Object state and behavior
- Creating classes in Java
- Creating objects in Java
- Object declaration
- Object Instantiation
- Object Initialization
- Different between value types and reference types
- Constructors
- Constructor Overloading
- Constructor Chaining
- Constructor Calling Order
- Creating Default Constructor
- Creating parameterized constructor
- Java this statement
- Destroying objects
- Garbage Collection
- How garbage collection works in java
- Class Exercises for Java Classes and Constructors
Object Oriented Programming in Java
- Creating instance variables
- Creating class variables
- Instance vs. class variables
- Methods
- Method Declaration syntax
- Creating instance methods
- Creating class methods
- Instance vs. class methods
- static variables
- static functions
- static blocks of code
- Method Overloading
- Rules of method overloading
- Introduction to Encapsulation (Data Hiding)
- Implementing Encapsulation in Java
- Implementing business logic with encapsulation
- Introduction to Inheritance ( is a relation )
- Implementing Inheritance in Java
- Java class Hierarchy
- Constructor Calling Order
- Using super keyword
- Method Overriding
- Using Java final keyword
- final variables
- final methods
- final classes
- Class Exercises for Encapsulation and Inheritance with overriding
Object Oriented Programming in Java
- Introduction to Composition (has a relation)
- Implementing Composition in Java
- Composing single object in class
- Composing multiple objects in class
- Introduction to Polymorphism
- Implementing Polymorphism
- Polymorphism with concrete classes
- Polymorphism with abstract classes
- Polymorphism with java interfaces
- Introduction to Abstraction
- Introduction to Abstract classes
- Declaring abstract class
- Declaring abstract function
- Important rules about abstract classes and methods
- Class Exercises for Polymorphism and Abstract classes
Object Oriented Programming in Java
- Introduction to Java Interfaces
- Declaring interface
- Implementing interface
- Implementing multiple interfaces
- Interface Inheritance
- Interface and multiple inheritance
- Interfaces vs. abstract classes
- Introduction to Nested classes
- Creating objects of nested class
- Using nested classes
- Inheritance and nested classes
- Important rules about nested classes
- Access modifiers
- public
- private
- protected
- default access
- Introduction to Java Packages
- Creating packages in java
- Package and import statement
- Introduction to Design Patterns
- Implementing Singleton design pattern in java
- implementing Abstract factory pattern in java
- Class Exercises for Interfaces and classes
Debugging and Exception Handling in Java
- Introduction to Exception Handling
- Exception Handling and Java Runtime Environment
- What is Exception
- What is Error
- Different between Error and Exception
- Java Exception Hierarchy
- Throwable class
- Exception class
- Error class
- Understanding RuntimeException class
- What is Exception Message
- Implementing Exception Handling in Java
- try block
- catch block
- finally block
- Providing multiple catch blocks
- Order of multiple catch blocks
- Catching all exceptions with one generic catch block
- Nested try catch blocks
- Java throw statement
- Wrapping and Throwing exceptions using throw statement
- Java throws statement
- Using throws statement with multiple exceptions
- Creating custom Exceptions in java
- Throwing custom Exceptions in Java
- Printing Exception Details with Stack Trace
- Line Number
- Method Name
- Class Name
- File Name
- Debugging Java code line by line
- Creating Reusable Debug class in Java
- Enable or Disable full application debugging from Debug class
- Class Exercises for Login Form with Custom Exceptions
Multithreading and Concurrent Programming in Java
- Multitasking
- Multi Processing
- Difference between Task and Process
- Introduction to Multithreading
- What is thread
- Threading features in Java API
- Thread class
- Runnable Interface
- Creating Threads in Java using Thread class
- Creating Threads in Java using Runnable interface
- Running multiple threads in java
- Retrieving thread information
- Thread Name
- Thread Priority
- Thread Group
- Changing Thread Name and Priority
- Running multiple threads with different tasks
- Getting the reference of currently running thread
- Thread states
- Born
- Ready
- Running
- Sleep
- Dead
- Wait
- Interrupted
- Creating Daemon threads
- Running and Stopping daemon threads
- Class Exercises for Multithreading in Windows Forms
Java Language (java.lang) and Java Utility (java.util) Packages
- Introduction to Java Language Package (java.lang)
- Working with Object class
- Overriding methods of Object class
- Overriding equals method in Custom class
- Overriding toString method in Custom class
- Using getClass and hashCode method of Object class
- Working with Math class
- Using Math class methods
- min and max methods
- avg, abs and round methods
- ceil and floor methods
- random method
- Overview of Java Language Wrapper classes
- Byte, Short, Integer and Long classes
- Float and Double classes
- Boolean class
- Character class
- Using StringBuffer class
- Difference between String and StringBuffer class
- Introduction to Java Utility Package (java.util)
- Working with Date class
- Working with Calendar class
- Using GregorianCalendar class
- Using Random class
Java Language (java.lang) and Java Utility (java.util) Packages
- Introduction to Collections Framework
- Collection Framework Interfaces
- Collection interface
- List interface
- Set interface
- SortedSet interface
- Map interface
- SortedMap interface
- Collection Framework Classes
- HashSet class
- TreeSet class
- ArrayList class
- Vector class
- LinkedList class
- HashMap class
- TreeMap class
- Creating Custom Collections in Java
- Introduction to Java I/O Package (
- Introduction to Streams
- Types of Streams in Java
- Byte Oriented Stream
- Character Oriented Stream
- Byte Stream classes
- InputStream class
- OutputStream class
- Character Stream classes
- Reader class
- Writer class
- Predefined Java Streams
- Input Stream (
- Output Stream (System.out)
- Error Stream (System.err)
- Reading console input
- using InputStreamReader class
- using BufferedReader class
- Reading String from console
- Writing Console output
- using System.out stream
- using PrintWriter class
- File class
- Checking File Information from Disk
- Creating files and directories on Disk
- Reading file contents with FileReader class
- Scanning Files in Folders on Disk
- Writing file contents with FileWriter class
- Java Serialization
- Using ObjectInputStream class
- Using ObjectOutputStream class
Eğitime Ait Sınavlar
- CX-310-055: Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0
Alınabilecek Ünvanlar
- Uygulama Geliştirici
- Yazılım Mimarı
- Yazılım Uzmanı
- Veritabanı Uzmanı
- Proje Yöneticisi
- Analist Programcı
- Uygulama Analisti
- Teknik Danışman
- Bilgi İşlem Yöneticisi
- Veritabanı Yöneticisi
- Sharepoint Developer
- Sharepoint Administrator
- İş Zekası Uzmanı
Alınabilecek Sertifikalar
- Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 5/SE 6
- Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer
- Oracle Certified Master, Java SE 6 Developer
- Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Component Developer
- Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Business Component Developer
- Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Services Developer
- Oracle Certified Professional, Java ME 1 Mobile Application Developer
- Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect
- Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 JavaServer Pages and Servlet Developer
- Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer
- Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Java Persistence API Developer
- Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Services Developer
Çalışma Alanları
- Kurumsal şirketlerin / kurumların bilgi işlem ve yazılım departmanları
- KOBİ’lerin bilgi işlem ve yazılım geliştirme bölümleri
- Yazılım geliştirme şirketleri
- Microsoft iş ortakları
- Oracle iş ortakları
- Bilişim teknolojileri eğitim ve danışmanlık firmaları
- Kendi yazılım şirketini kurmak